Working with lead has been a hand craft which dates back hundreds of years, the benefits which make lead so appealing are things like its malleability, it can be moulded and shaped, lead has low melting point and maybe most of all it is 100% recyclable. No other product has been proven to last as long as lead, Roof and Fibre are today stripping off leadwork which has been laid up to 100 years ago, this makes the durability phenomenal compared to other products which are being used for the same applications. As you can see from our past projects gallery we have carried out applications from lead chimney flashing and simple lead flashing at abutments, up to the more complex leadwork like the curved top dormers and lead mop rolled flat roofs.
Roof and Fibre are able to help you design and install your required leadwork project, give us a call and we will be happy to go through any questions you may have.
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